Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Coco + Djinous = Panthers

Self obsessed blogs are for morons, I'd way rather write about Coco and Djinous. Here's a limerick I wrote about Coco:

In New York there's a panther called Coco.
And I'm pretty sure that she's loco.
But I love her still,
Even when she's on pills,
Now please can I borrow a smoko?

Djinouse do you feel left out? Ok you get one too then:

I have a friend called Djinous.
Once I show-ed her my caboose.
And all she could say,
Was "Put it away,
Cos the neighbors can see from their house."

As you may have noticed limericks rule and I am a genius.


  1. House, Djinous and Caboose don't really rhyme unless you say house like an irish person.

    I wonder when you'll exhaust the topic of me and coco.... I'm interested to see how long you can keep this up

  2. I'm pretty sure you should stop criticizing my poetry skills and just enjoy the chance you've been given to speak like an Irish man.
